December 14, 2023 | Other Activities
Hello #SahabatData! On hursday, December 14th 2023, BPS-Statistics Boalemo Regency carried out Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activities for the preparation of Boalemo Regency in Figures and GRDP 2024.
Forewords were delivered by the Head of BPS-Statistics Boalemo Regency (Andi Idiel Fitri, SE, M.Si) followed by remarks by the Chairman of the DPRD-Boalemo Regency (Karyawan Eka Putra Noho, S.Sos), as well as remarks by the Sekda Boalemo (Supandra Nur, ST) as well as opening the event. Attended by the Employment and Training Board of Boalemo; Regional Agency of Financial Management; Agency for Regional Development of Boalemo Regency; Regional Health Office of Boalemo Regency; Regional Office of Communication, Information, Statistics, dan Encoding of Boalemo Regency; Regional Office of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives Boalemo Regency; Department of
Tourism of Boalemo Regency; Regional
Office of Educations, Youth, and Sports; Regional Population Control Department of Boalemo Regency; Regional
Office of Public Work and Spatial Planning of Boalemo Regency; Agriculture and Plantation Department
of Boalemo Regency; Ministry of Religious Affairs of Boalemo
Regency; Ministry of Agraria and City Layout of Boalemo Regency; Regional
Water Supply Company Tirta of Boalemo Regency; One Stop Administration System of Boalemo Regency; Secretariat DPRD-Boalemo Regency
Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was held as a form of good coordination and communication between BPS-Statistics Boalemo Regency, OPD and data producing agencies in the context of preparing the Boalemo Regency Publication in Figures 2024 and Calculating Boalemo Regency GRDP Figures 2024. This activity is an effort to support, ensure, and monitor the quality of data produced by OPD/I data producers. Apart from that, this activity also aims to improve OPD/I's understanding of the data contained in Boalemo in Figures and GRDP 2024.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Boalemo (Statistics of Boalemo)Jl. Trans Sulawesi Desa Lamu Kecamatan Tilamuta Kabupaten Boalemo(Website) (Email)
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